Apatity is a small (about 60,000 people) town in Murmansk region, and it has a twin town named Kirovsk (about 30,000 people) in about 20 km, just under Khibiny mountains.
The towns are situated near a big downhill-ski resort (http://bigwood.ru), and there is a new cross-country ski resort nearby (http://bigwood.ru/web/tirvas/stadium).
Good places for excursions are:
We can organize an excursion to the Lovozero village. There is a PGI observation site there, and there is also a Husky farm nearby. However, one way journey to Lovozero takes 3 hours, so the excursion will take one full day. Please consider reserving one extra day after the meeting for it.
Another option can be a review excursion to Murmansk. Excursions will be set up and announced closer to the meeting time based on your preferences.
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. There are several cafeteria and restaurants in the town which provide good meals for any time of day. Almost all of them are within 15-20 minutes walk from the institute. Costs: a full lunch menu in Khvorost cafe costs 340 RUB, a lunch/dinner from dishes of your choice may cost from 250 RUB (light meal) to 1000 RUB (full scale restaurant visit). A list of cafeteria in the vicinity of PGI will be placed here before the meeting.
Numerous shops can be found at almost any street of the town, from small ones to supermarkets.