Methods used at KAGIN PGI for research
- Methods for analyzing scintillations of signals from low-orbit satellite navigation systems using radio tomographic data.
- Methods for estimating latitudinal variations in the total electron content from data on changes in the Doppler shift of the electromagnetic wave frequency.
- A method for registration of the phase difference of coherent frequencies (150 MHz and 400 MHz) of signals from low-orbit
satellite navigation systems using the method of ray radiotomography.
- A method of reconstruction of the electron density by the method of ray radiotomography using radio tomographic data.
- A method for registration of cosmic rays by neutron monitors and auxiliary detectors.
- A method for excluding meteorological and magnetospheric variations when registering cosmic rays.
- A method for obtaining spectral characteristics of cosmic rays from data from a network of neutron monitors.
- A method for determining the electron concentration in the D-region of the ionosphere by radar partial reflections of radio waves.
- A method for studying wave processes, the structure and composition of the polar mesosphere and the lower thermosphere by the radar partial reflections of radio waves.
- A method for measuring atmospherics spectra using a specialized analog processor.
- Methods for measuring the ozone concentration in the surface layer of the Earth’s atmosphere.
- A method of linking the image of auroras to physical coordinates for comparing optical data with satellite and radar data.
- A method of the lower ionosphere sounding by the registration of atmospherics in the ELF range on the Lovozero-Barentsburg path.
- A method for estimating the electron density profile of the lower ionosphere using ground-based measurements of the phases of VLF signals in the HF ionosphere heating experiments.
- Methods of assessing the position and structure of the exit region of natural VLF waves of magnetospheric origin using ground-based three-component observations.
- Methods of carrying out a computational experiment in problems of modeling the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere.
- Methods for measuring magnetic field variations.
- Methods of recording spectrophotometric characteristics of auroras by digital cameras.
- Methods of timing for conducting geophysical measurements.
- A method for calculating high-altitude profiles of emissions in auroras.
- A method of assessing the content of nitric oxide in the aurora region.
- A method for determining the position of the precipitation areas of auroral particles at different magnetic activity.
- A method for absolute calibration of the brightness of the atmospheric emission layers and auroras by the stars.
Polar Geophysical Institute (PGI)
15, Khalturina St., Murmansk 183010
phone: +7(8152) 25-39-58
fax: +7(8152) 25-35-59
