PGI Radiophysical range "Verhnetulomsky"
Radiophysical range "Verhnetulomskiy" is located near Verhnetulomsky, transport accessibility is good.
The radiophysical range is equipped with video surveillance, as well as Internet access.
On the radiophysical range are located:
- Technical building
- Magnetic Pavilion
- Optical Pavilion
- Auxiliary building
Scientific equipment:
In the radiophysical range premises can be provided:
- Laboratory room for equipment placement - 2 pcs.
- Premises for temporary accommodation of staff - for 7 people
Polar Geophysical Institute (PGI)
15, Khalturina St., Murmansk 183010
phone: +7(8152) 25-39-58
fax: +7(8152) 25-35-59
